
Date : March 1 –3, 2019
Venue : Kyoto International Conference Center
Grand Prince Hotel Kyoto
President : Satoru HASHIMOTO, MD, PhD
     (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, JAPAN)

what's new

Feb. 21, ’19
English Program is uploaded.
Dec. 25, ’18
Instructions for participation is uploaded.
Dec. 15, ’18
Instructions for Chairs & Speakers is uploaded.
Dec. 8, ’18
Announcement of the Physical Program is uploaded.
Dec. 3, ’18
Announcement of hotel reservation is uploaded.
Nov. 26, ’18
Scientific program is uploaded.
Oct. 23, ’18
Announcement of online registration is uploaded.
Sept. 28, ’18
Call for abstracts is finished.
Sept. 20, ’18
Deadline of abstract submission is postponed.
Sept. 6, ’18
Deadline of abstract submission is postponed.
Sep. 5, ’18
Abstract submission for the 3rd JSICM-TSCCM is started.
July. 3, ’18
Congress Profile and Call for Abstracts are uploaded.