日本集中治療医学会50周年記念事業 国際イベント
North America Week



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 Moritoki Egi, MD
  Professor of Department of Anesthesiology and intensive care, Kyoto University Hospital
The Japanese Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2020

 Yasuhiro Norisue, MD, PhD
  Director of Department of Pulmonary Medicine
  Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
 Tokyo Bay Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center
Past,current and future challenges in developing ARDS clinical practice guidelines in Japan

 Craig M. Coopersmith, MD
  Director, Emory Critial Care Center,
  Professor of Surgery Emory University School of Medicine
Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines - Past, Present and Future

 Rob Fowler, MDCM, MSc
  Chair of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group
  Inter-departmental Division of Critical Care Medicine
  University of Toronto
Treating Bloodstream Infections - How Long is Enough

 Shigeki Fujitani, MD, PhD
  Professor of St. Marianna University
  Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Medicine

Congratulations:50th Anniversary of JSICM

 Naoyuki Matsuda, MD, PhD
  Professor of Departmentof Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Nagoya University
  Graduate School of Medicine
Japanese Intensive Care Guidelines and the Role of the JSICM

50周年記念事業準備委員会(Ad Hoc)
統括委員長 西田 修
委員長 黒田 泰弘
副委員長 志馬 伸朗、升田 好樹
国際交流委員会 委員長 土井 研人